<Version 2.0.3 is already released on 15/9/2009>
<Version 2.0.1 is already released on 15/6/2009>
<Version 2.0 is already released on 12/6/2009>
<Version 1.1 is already released on 24/4/2009>
有見於現時的 Twitter Clients 比較慢,要閱讀大量的 Tweets 很困難,因此開始想去創作一個較為方便的 client。
由 Angus 的 Tweets in Excel 得到靈感,TweetSheet 是我第一個自己寫的 Twitter Client,純用 VBA 去完成整個程式,自己亦試用了一段時間,功能上都算齊備。由於不需安裝,一開即用,很適合在公司使用。絕對是一個綠色軟件。
而 Excel 本身亦提供了很好的功能,方便 Find, Filter,Sorting 等,讓用戶可以很容易去分析所有的 Tweets。
由於所有的 Tweets 會存在 Excel file 中,如果增加 “Max number of tweets reloaded”,就更可以 Backup 自己的 Tweets 作為記錄。
其中一個較特別的功能是利用 GPS 位置連接去 Google Map,這是其他 Client 沒有的。
注意:一開始的時候,一定要 “Enable Macro”!否則程式不能運作。
In view of most Twitter clients are relatively slow, it is difficult to read large amount of tweets through them, so I began to develop a new Twitter client, which is more convenient and effective.
Inspired by Angus’ Tweets in Excel, TweetSheet is the first Twitter Client I developed recently, purely based on Excel VBA/macro to complete the entire program. I have used it myself for a few weeks, and release it once I think it is usable. It is a green software, no installation is required. It is very suitable to be used at home or in office.
Excel itself is already build-in tons of functions to search, filter, or sort, so that users can easily analyze all those tweets they subscribed.
Since all the tweets are saved offline in Excel file, if you increase the "Max number of tweets reloaded", you can use TweetSheet to backup all your tweets.
One special feature is the use of GPS location to connect to Google Map, this is not common in other clients.
When I have time, I will prepare a demonistration on how to use TweetSheet.
Please note that you need to click "Enable Macro" when the file is launched in Excel. Otherwise, the program could not operate properly.
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